A Facebook user’s post about a notice on the use of service elevators in a luxury condominium is quickly going viral. In the letter, the property manager who signed the notice reminded tenants and owners of the condo to ensure that household help (ex. drivers, housemaids) to use the service elevators instead of the passenger elevators.

The property management explained:

The Administration Office has had a number of enquiries from owners in the building on why helpers are using the Passenger Elevators when only Unit Owners / Tenants and their guests are allowed to the Passenger Elevators.

The property manager also stated that passenger elevators are for unit owners, tenants, and guests. The property manager said that the rule will be strictly enforced with the help of security.

Reaction from the Facebook user’s social circle ranged from disbelief to disgust. Several have claimed that it was not right for the property manager to implement a “snooty” policy.

A survey about the house rules of similar condos revealed that rules such as limiting the use of passenger elevators and other selected facilities like pools from househelp is fairly common.

House rules are used as guidelines for tenants, residents, or even roommates to ensure that peace and order are achieved. House rules usually touch topics such as waste management, cleanliness, and the use of common facilities. These rules are usually valid unless they illegally discriminate or are unreasonable.

There is little information about the legalities of house rules, but Global Property Guide said that tenant laws in the Philippines tend to be pro-landlord.

Update: Rappler had gotten in touch with the property manager who signed the seemingly offensive house rule.

The property manager said,

There’s no issue. It’s not for the world. It’s just for the building. It has been a policy ever since the building was created.
How do you feel about this condo house rule? Do you think this house rule is justified? What other condo house rules do you feel strongly about? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below.  

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