Maintaining a clean and organized condominium unit can be difficult for someone who has a hectic schedule. Maintaining your work-life balance is a challenge for professionals especially when you’re living alone.

Having a clean space could raise productivity and lessen the amount of strain you are experiencing. 

If you are having a hard time balancing everything, here are some simple ways you can consider to keep your condo clean.

1. Create a  Manageable Cleaning Schedule

Nothing will ever go wrong if you have a written plan and you are committed to achieving it. Creating a cleaning schedule will surely save you from all the worries. Pick the perfect day that you are free from other commitments. 
2. Buy Some Bins

One of the common mistakes condominium occupants commit is having only one bin inside their condominium unit. Buy bins for your most functional spaces inside your unit. This way, you do not have to go where the main trash bin is whenever you need to throw something.
3. Organize Your Desk

An organized desk is a manifestation of a clear mind.Instead of letting things stay on top of your desk after using them, you should put them back to their original places. This way, you would know where to find your things whenever you need to use them. 
4. Empty Your Trash Regularly

This way, you can make sure that you are not letting unnecessary things stay inside your room. Make it a habit to check your bins and do not wait for it to be full. You don’t have to empty your trash just once a week, you could do it anytime you feel it’s needed. 
5. Make your Bed Every Day

The best way to make this possible is doing it as soon as you wake up. Before you eat your breakfast and start preparing for work, you should make your bed. You could even make it a routine to make your bed before doing anything else as it doesn’t even cost that much time. 
6. Dusting and Vacuum as Necessary

The need to dust and vacuum is very important not only to condominium units but to all households. As you come home from walking outside, you are also bringing dirt with you. It is easier to eliminate these dirts by vacuuming but you can also consider wiping and sweeping if you don’t have a vacuum yet. 

The cleanliness of your condos will determine your health and lifestyle. Make it one of your priorities. Live in a dirt free and comfortable home by doing simple ways to clean.

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